We Are Such Cutups!

Have yourself the happiest of Hollow-weens!

The Tradition Continues!

We started this many years ago when the grandkids were tiny! Now they are grown up and the move forward anther year. Mary enjoys the new tradition and is an amazing hostess.

Pumpkin Carving 2022

Pumpkin Carving 2022

Did You Know? - Estimates of numbers of edible insect species consumed globally range from 1,000 to 2,000. These species include 235 butterflies and moths, 344 beetles, 313 ants, bees and wasps, 239 grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches, 39 termites, and 20 dragonflies, as well as cicadas. It is estimated that more than 2 billion people eat insects daily

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Help yourself!!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Mary and Robin discuss the menu for today!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Eat a bug! Crunchy!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Chasing down the bugs!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Robin expresses her feeling!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Robin tries another hand-full!

Pumpkin Carving 2022

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Munch Crunch!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
"Pass the suds!"

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Robin relays a story!!

Paul watched all the fun!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
The tools are ready!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
The Sous Chef just checked the recipe!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Eyeballs anyone??

Pumpkin Carving 2022
In goes the dry ice!! It will be foggy today!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Dr. Mary finds a likely target!

Pumpkin Carving 2022

Pumpkin Carving 2022
"Oh dear!"

Pumpkin Carving 2022
All gone!

Pumpkin Carving 2022

Pumpkin Carving 2022
The glass was scary enough!!

It been a long tradition with us so setting things up is almost automatic.  Hats off to Bob and Nick for bailing me out this year!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
"We gots seeds!!"

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Turn on the oven!!!

Did You Know? - Pumpkins are pretty amazing. You can carve them, roast them, serve them savory or sweet. One of their best (and often overlooked) attributes is their seeds! They're super easy to prepare and make a seriously delicious snack.

They're great prepared super simply, roasted with salt and melted butter, but the variations are completely endless. We love ranch seasoning, taco seasoning, or cinnamon sugar for an added pop of flavor. Toasting them in the oven gives them an irresistible crunch.

Besides tasting great, they're also loaded with nutrition. They're high in protein, (take note, vegetarians!) are an excellent source of magnesium, zinc, and calcium. Plus, lots of healthy fats. It would be a shame to throw all that good stuff out!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
They blew their tops!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
We did a seed-ectmy!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Next step, clean the guys off the seeds.

Halloween Support Group

Pumpkin Carving 2022
You could hear the knives a block away!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Eek! I drink from your skull!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
A serious amount of constipation is going on right here in River City!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Stand Back!! Pumpkin guts are flying everywhere!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Someone is working hard!!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Chop, slice, dice.... It's coming along!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
This must be a difficult pattern!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Bob and Robin are gong at it!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Carving everywhere!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Looking great!!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Ready for their candles

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Paul finishes off the six glass of PUNCH!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
We did a super job this year!!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Mary's witch was amazing!!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
Heading home!

Pumpkin Carving 2022
We hit the sack early; it was a long day!

Scout was pooped... It was a long day!