Halloween 2005 With Family (Page One)
Out with the knives and scoops... It is time to clean and carve the pumpkins!
A Quote To Remember -
Men say, that in this midnight hour,
The disembodied have power
To wander as it liketh them,
By wizard oak and fairy stream,—
Through still and solemn places,
And by old walls and tombs, to dream,
With pale, cold, mournful faces....
~William Motherwell, "Midnight and Moonshine"
Dig that pumpkin
Mitch was borrowing the truck these days
The nice wicked witch
The seeds will come in handy
A little supervision here please...
Keep the seeds
Everybody is happy
A job well done
Time for a wine
A Quote To Remember - Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on. ~River Phoenix
Now here is trouble
Zack and Justyn
Time to get old Dave
He is coming now...
The adults are tired
The master at work
Pumpkin guts
A Quote To Remember - This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him. ~Conan O'Brien
Let The Carving Commence
Say what???
Miss Pinky is more interested in scratching that carving!
Meanwhile inside where it is warm...