Easter Sunday Dinner 4/20/2014

We Must Head For Disneyland And Catal For Easter Dinner (Page Three)

We did some chores, a little gardening. and some treadmill before going to Disneyland.

  Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family

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Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
We stopped at Catal on the way in and finalized reservations. Disneyland at 3:50!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Mandatory visit to see Walk and Mickey!
The park was not "bulging" with people today!
We must tell Donna that it was not bulging!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
The flowers were as usual, magnificent

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Easter colors everywhere

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
We decided to go to Downtown Disney via the Monorail
The Submarines were reconstruction?

Did You Know? - Finding Nemo: Submarine Voyage closed in January 2014 for what was announced as an extended refurbishment. Disneyland's submarine ride to the North Pole and the lost continent of Atlantis opened in June 1959 before closing in September 1998. The attraction reopened in June 2007 with a Finding Nemo overlay, inspired by the Pixar movie.

The submarine ride uses one of Disneyland's largest show building, as all elements needed to be duplicated, so that both sides of the submarine could see the same thing. That, coupled with a low capacity -- fewer than 1,000 guests per hour -- made the submarine ride one of the most cost-inefficient at Disneyland.

Disneyland states the 5 million gallon 'lagoon' will be drained allowing crews to preform the massive ride refurbishment. They state when (if) the ride reopens guests will see a more vibrate and colorful version of the ride, which will be painted with a special mixture created by Disney which involved recycled glass.

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Looks bleak without the water

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Loads of work underway

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
We hopped the monorail to Downtown Disney

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Whooosh.... Five minutes later we are walking through Disneyland

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Time for a teeny-weeny glass of vino before going to dinner

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Handsome devil he is!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family

Did You Know? - The Billquists & Jettes joined us for Easter Dinner this year. We met them on Life Day 2010 when we arrange to have them go to Club 33 in Disneyland after a several month-long internet relationship! Bob and Robin joined us and we have seen them many times since! It was great that they were down for the Disneyland visit this week!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Donna and Jaycee really hit it off

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Nick being Nick.... That is a good thing

Quotation To Remember: The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Donna tells a story and Jaycee is getting the giggles

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Grandpa Marty (of the left) and Jesse/Robin on the right

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Bob and Donna selected an excellent wine....

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
All smiles

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Donna,Jaycee, and Grandma Joyce

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
"I was about to say....."

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
All smiles

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Careful.... Looks like those fingers are loaded

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Someone has been to California Adventure

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Nick is looking up the name of a roller coaster for Donna

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
We were here!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Grandpa's catching up

Quotation To Remember: The informality of family life is a blessed condition that allows us to become our best while looking our worst. ~Marge Kennedy

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Paul & Bob

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Nick! Get in the picture... Not out of it!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Jaycee and Nick are dining on the same thing

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Paul taught the kids how to make paper airplanes

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Fold left, then right, then left...

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Countdown.... 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Blastoff

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Someone got a root beer float

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Who Paul???

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Beer goes into the ice cream glass

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Bubbles appear

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
"Hey Grandpa... It looks pretty good!"

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Miles of smiles

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
The secret signal.... More wine

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
Jaycee has eyes on Donna's berries and ice cream

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
The entertainment begins

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
It's a sing-a-long

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
There was music so guess who we found???

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
They are looking great!

Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family Easter 2014 With The Liles' Family
