Vegetable Gardening In 2024 

Despite the gardener's best intentions, Nature will improvise.

2024 Here We Come!

The winter crops did fine but now it is time to pull and replace! We started in January . First things first, we put uo a scare crow and it worked! Three birds fell out of the sky with heart failure ib the first day!


2004 garden month by month
The mastro is conduction the garden!

2004 garden month by month
We had plenty of fresh lettuce all wimter long

2004 garden month by month
Scout is always ready to assist!

2004 garden month by month
We selectively remove old plants and replace with newer ones!

2004 garden month by month
MAry always helps in the garden, she is fun to work with!

2004 garden month by month
We have plenty of oranges!

2004 garden month by month
The Green Parrots fly overhead!

2004 garden month by month
The peas are going into high gear!

2004 garden month by month
She caught me working!

2004 garden month by month
For tonights dinner

2004 garden month by month
This will become an ingredient in a stir-fry!

2004 garden month by month
Just come to help!

February And Scout Comes To Assist!

2004 garden month by month
"OK Yous Guys; keep the noise down, I am sleeping!"

2004 garden month by month
We picked peas almost every day!

2004 garden month by month
We had cauliflower

2004 garden month by month
The tomatoes that would not die!!


It is time to get serious about planting! Spring is just around the corner!

2004 garden month by month
Robin and Bob visit the garden

2004 garden month by month
We had a spot for one more grape plant.

2004 garden month by month
The Silver Fox is loaded to the gills!

2004 garden month by month
Mary mixed in some sweetpeas wit hthe veggies!

2004 garden month by month
More peas!

2004 garden month by month
The days are perfect for planting.

2004 garden month by month
We mix the current soil with peat moss and other nutrients.

2004 garden month by month
Out comes the big guns/

2004 garden month by month
The garden is quite large!

2004 garden month by month
We have onions everywhere!

2004 garden month by month
Mary works on the vertical gardens

2004 garden month by month
The mulch is in!

2004 garden month by month
Just a few more tomatoes!

2004 garden month by month
The Romas will provide tomatoes all summer long!

2004 garden month by month
Thank goodness for the two wheelers!

2004 garden month by month
We plant; it rains!

2004 garden month by month
Just one last trip to HD!

2004 garden month by month
The LoQuats are getting ripe!

2004 garden month by month
Beware of thunderstorms overhead!

2004 garden month by month
This ought to be interesting!

2004 garden month by month
We could walk for days at H&H in Lakewood!

2004 garden month by month
The apples are blossoming; apples will be ready in three months!

2004 garden month by month
Can you find Mary??

2004 garden month by month
We love those red flowers.