Easter Was 3/19/2003 And Was Relaxing With Family

What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards? A receding hareline.  

The Day Before Easter 2003 And Time To Do The Eggs

This Easter was ago.

We celebrated Easter by dying the eggs on Saturday.  On Easter Sunday, everybody does their own thing.

Easter 2003
Pete assumes the position

Easter 2003
Sue, always in the kitchen

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Pete looks at last year

Easter 2003
Jeanette readies the Easter Egg kits

Easter 2003
Peas are begining to form

Easter 2003
The trees are just babies

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Flower practices her three-legged "poor me-feed me" trick

Easter 2003
Egg decorating items

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Lisa and Flower

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Mitch has some new water toy

Easter 2003
Am I pretty or what?

Easter 2003
Connor is up to something

Easter 2003
Looking good

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Carefully he sneaks up on the egg

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Dave Joins The Fun

Easter 2003
Hello Dave

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Grandma is into decorating now

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Ah..... True

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Zack doesn't like to get his hands dirty

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Flower and Mickey

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Valentine Stole The Show

Easter 2003
Valentine was always so very cute

Easter 2003
Rubber tummy
Oh.. More on my tummy Dave

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Sarge on patrol

Easter 2003
Sarge keeps everyone is sight

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Mickey takes it all in

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Well, ah... M-m-m-m-m Interesting

Easter 2003
Go ladies, see what you can do!

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Pinky in action

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

See, Hear, Speak No Evil

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Tia Watches All

Easter 2003
Tia the wonder dog

Easter 2003
Tia the Wonder Dog

Easter 2003

The Garden Is Just Getting Started

Easter 2003
The old garden

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
The cabbage is ready

Easter 2003
Zuchinni this early???

Easter 2003

Easter 2003

Easter 2003
Time to swim