St. Valentines Day At Sea 2025

If you love somebody, let them know!

We Did Something Different  This Year!

Robin is in South America so we invited Jon and Sarah to join us on a week long cruise to Mexico! But we had to to our traditional Valentines Day dinner with the Zaitz so we set up a February 13th dinner at Renada's Italian Bistro and will have Bob & Donna, Jon & Sarah, Vicky & Jim, Bill Capps and Dianne Reidy!

But First, Some Fun!!

It seems Kingfish's little sceme to pay back Saphire after an arguement backfired (duh). It all works out in the end.

Renata's Is A Wonderful Italian Bistro!

Dinner 2024 at Renata's Italian Bistro
2024 We Dined Together Again!  We have done this since 2012!

Valentine's Day And We Are Off!!