Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Celebrations

Dining with friends... A good Thing To Do

The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself. – Douglas McArthur

We Began At Old Ranch On Sunday 2/13/2011 With A "Two-Fer"

We were celebrating Saint Patrick's Day as well as Brian and Jan's Ruby Anniversary!

Did You Know? - It was Brian and Jan's Ruby Anniversary... 40 years. In the Commonwealth realms, one can receive a message from the monarch for 60th, 65th, and 70th wedding anniversaries, and any wedding anniversary after that. This is done by applying to Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, or to the Governor-General's office in the other Commonwealth realms. Only 20 more years and we can apply!

Why Ruby? Because rubies are thought to possess an eternal inner flame which is a symbol that the passion in a marriage is still very alive and strong after 40 years together.

Notable events on March 13th...

1991 Exxon pays $1-billion dollars in fines and cleanup of Valdez oil spill
1974 Charles de Gaulle Airport opens near Paris
1969 – Apollo program: Apollo 9 returns safely to Earth after testing the Lunar Module.
1970 Digital Equipment Corp. introduces PDP-11 minicomputer
1971 Brian and Jan Finch get married
1965 Jeff Beck replaces Eric Clapton of the Yardbirds
1519 Cortez lands in Mexico

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
They ordered the special.. The bone was standing straight up!

Leprechauns, castles, good luck and laughter
Lullabies, dreams, and love ever after.
Poems and songs with pipes and drums
A thousand welcomes when anyone comes.
~Author Unknown

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Brian attempts to explain it... Paul is attempting NOT to burst out in howls of laughter

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Cut Ruby

Did You Know? - The ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the element chromium. Its name comes from ruber, Latin for red. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. The ruby is considered one of the four precious stones, together with the sapphire, the emerald, and the diamond.

Prices of rubies are primarily determined by color. The brightest and most valuable "red" called pigeon blood-red, commands a huge premium over other rubies of similar quality. After color follows clarity: similar to diamonds, a clear stone will command a premium, but a ruby without any needle-like rutile inclusions may indicate that the stone has been treated. Cut and carat (weight) also determine the price.

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Paul tries to communicate with the dinner... directly

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Anniversary desert

"The Irish do not want anyone to wish them well; they
want everyone to wish their enemies ill."
- Harold Nicolson

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
James and Linda enjoy the cavorting that was underway

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Vince and Nancy and the Mai Tai's

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011
Del and Vicky always with a smile

"It was a bold man who ate the first oyster."
- Jonathan Swift

Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011 Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011 Saint Patrick's Day at Old Ranch 2011

Old Ranch On Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011; Then We Headed For The Phoenix Club

It was so much fun we did it again on Saint Patrick's day but Jan and Brian had departed for Great Britain on Tuesday and we will miss them. Herb and Dave joined the group and Vince had to "work"... Just us having a load of fun!

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Plenty to eat

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
The cooks were checking everything over

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
About 100 yards of food ready to go

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Traditional Irish breads include soda bread , wheaten bread , soda farls, and blaa , a doughy white bread roll particular to Waterford .


Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Greg The Creative... A Garland with a little work becomes leis for the ladies

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
The blarney be starting

Blarney: –noun 1. flattering or wheedling talk; cajolery. 2. deceptive or misleading talk; nonsense; hooey: a lot of blarney about why he was broke.

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Greg is currently in the hood...

Q: What's long & green & has a low I.Q.?
A: A St. Patrick's Day Parade

Q: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
A: Regular rocks are too heavy.

Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Because they're always a little short.

Q: How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?
A: He's Dublin over with laughter!

Q: Why did St. Patrick drive the snakes out of Ireland?
A: He couldn't afford plane fare.

Q: How did the Irish Jig get started?
A: Too much to drink and not enough restrooms!

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
James was first to hit the buffet line

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Ted Conlin joins us with an excellent story

It seems Paddy was reading the newspaper and he saw a story where he had died. Being puzzled, he turned on the telly and again a story appears about his death. Being a little confused he calls his friend Shamus. He relates his concern to Shamus and Shamus said he had heard the same thing!

Then Shamus asked "Where you calling from Paddy>"

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Linda takes her life in her hand....

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
We got the cooks tour... Time to eat

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
A desert in each hand????

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Meanwhile at home Ruby is throwing a party

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Careful... Another story is boiling

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
The Vicky-Cam is at work

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
~Irish Blessing

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Thanks to close up lenses we see what the green dots are the table were

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
James is lurking somewhere nearby

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011


Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Not a single calorie to be found here... They are all in large groups

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Ruby is watching you

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
James was dragged away from this table kicking and screaming

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto one blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth.  ~Irish Saying

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Linda and James stretching before heading back to the dessert table

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
The green matches

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Looking good

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Dave apparently does not understand talk form the hood

For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -
Good health, good luck, and happiness
For today and every day.
~Author Unknown

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Their back....

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Herb is not frightened of calories

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Neither is Paul

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Nancy thought no one was watching... Ah ha

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Someone was out in the sun today

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Is is hoping that Paul will continue to behave

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
They match

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
A smile... This is good

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011

To The Phoenix Club After Dinner At Old Ranch

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
We departed about seven for the Phoenix Club and got there at 9:29

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Our table was ready

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
"The Boy" was working hard

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
Doing is leg stretching exercises before dancing

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011
The cameraman is in trouble... again

Old Ranch Saint Patrick's Day 2/17/2011