It's Party Time At Michele's

A wonderful afternoon with family celebrating family

Off We Go To West Los Angeles... Green Card In Hand!

Michele is a fabulous cook and we ate quiche until we could eat no more.  Hot pepper quiche we for "Mom and Dad" and a milder version for everyone else. We drank champagne and wine for hours.... Just enough to enjoy and be okay to drive!

Then dessert happened... Wow!  Homemade everything! Look out scales in the morning!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014

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Let The Party Begin!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Robin enjoyed champagne... Bob is in Arizona working a gig

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
The tent was set up by Franklyn and Pete and worked well!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Lisa enjoys some grape juice.... Her 12th glass!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Theo and Uncle Pete are up to something.... Studying bubbles it looks like!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Slurp... Gurgle... Splash... M-m-m-m-m-m

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Pete is explaining something?

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Franklyn regales us with great stores of times gone by

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
The open area behind their house is perfect for such get together

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
These two are inseparable! Cousins forever

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Theo decorated the cupcakes.... Can't you tell?


Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Who? Me??

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
The second level contains the chocolate goodies

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Michele is working too hard!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Clink! Time to wash down the chocolate

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Lisa and Pete taking it all in!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
"Mom and Dad" love the time we all spend together with family!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
A pair to draw too!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014
Tummies are full... Food has disappeared... All is well with the world!

Lunch with the Adamsons July 26th 2014