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This site has been on the web since December 19th 1995 and will likely be boring except to family and friends.

Paul retired from North American Aviation , Rockwell International and finally Boeing on 3/21/2007 after 41 years or service.  ( ).

Mary retired from being an eye surgeon on 11/22/2021, just before the Thanksgiving holiday! ( ).

Paul has four children (Robin, Michele, Joe, and Colleen), nine "great" grand-children, and six great-grandchildren!

Mary has four children (Geoff, MaryEsther, David, and Becky) and four grandchildren.

You can see what we are currently up to by visiting the Daily Diary

It is with extreme sadness that my bride of thirty-two years, the love of my life, passed on February 19th 2020 at 7:07 AM after a long battle with several illnesses.

A mutual friend called and suggested Paul ask Dr. Mary Côté out for dinner. We had been friends for twenty plus years. We spent a year together starting July 28th 2020 and we decided to get married one year to the day of our first "date"

We moved from our homes after living in them a total of 57 years!  We moved to Orange, California and we are sharing our lives together.  She is a beautiful lady that has lit up my life.

lilesnet.com home page
Dr. Mary and I at our wedding.

Random Collages From The Past

Halloween From The Past

Just Doing Our Thing

News: Drudge - NewsBusters - Town Hall - National Review - News Max - Breitbart News

Today in history: HC | InfoPlease | LOC

Our website is a fairly large site (about 122,400 MB) which has been generated over a period of twenty five years.

The site undergoes additions, deletions, and refreshing on a continual basis based upon reported errors, ideas from friends, the latest technologies and quirky ideas of its brilliant and never satisfied developer. No modesty intended. Paul is 80 and uses the website to keep the ol' brain engaged and continually learning!

Today this site has about 8,000 HTML pages and 7000 dynamic database generated pages from the Daily Diary . Our Daily Diary now goes back to 2007 with thousands of entries. We have over 100 "sub-sites" and we keep them indexed.

Our Web changes somewhere everyday as we correct, add too, or modify pages. We also keep club history for our four dance clubs, Toppers, Starlighters, Nightlighters, and Rondeliers.

We attempt to keep the links refreshed on a regular basis. The links on this page were verified 12/26/2023.

This page was last modified 24 October 2024 12:04:17 PM