Our Wedding 7/28/2021 Page One

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it rekindles the great.

Page One - How It Got Started...

On July 28th 2020, I had a dinner engagement with this delightful lady who has been a friend for almost twenty years.  We kinda hit it off, especially after exchanging our cards and seeing that they were identical except for the name and address on them. An omen, me thinks so!

After a year of seeing each other every day, we decided to tie the knot and we elected to do it at the very same place were first met for dinner, Patty's Place in Seal Beach!

Who Caused This To Happen? Ms. Mongel Of Course

Jan called my and asked me to call Mary and go to dinner just to visit as we were both pretty lonely.  I said OK but did not expect  the next year to be such a wild ride!

Jan was at the wedding of course providing last minute instructions to us "kids".

Our Wedding
Paul is about to catch heck!

Pre-Wedding Activities

Everyone was right on time and we got underway exactly at 6:00 PM. Paul missed to opening prayer by Greg while he was shooing in the last of the participants. We got the jist of what happened!

Our Wedding
Was Paul nervous? Yup!

Our Wedding
Donna did the officiating and Bob pitched in helping with everything else!

Our Wedding
Ed and Bob, a pair to draw too!

Our Wedding
David was in rare form this evening, loved the suit form the 1930s!

Our Wedding
Dianne and David, Mary's amazing friends for over thirty years!

Our Wedding
Dan and Becky sat at our table with Dianne and David!

Our Wedding
The table was wild all night long!

Our Wedding
The culprit! Thank you Jan for getting us together!

About Mary & Paul


Mary Works The Tables

Our Wedding
Mary visits everyone prior to getting underway!

Our Wedding
...and her camera was at the ready!

About Mary & Paul
Yeah yeah, the gangs all here!

Our Wedding
The Best Man was practicing is speech and figuring
out if he could out run his dad or not!!

Our Wedding
Nick what think to himself, not too much longer and he will be doing this!

Our Wedding
The million dollar smile!

Our Wedding
Mom is right there to guide him!

Our Wedding
My daughter gives us "The Robin Pose"

Our Wedding
Too cute!!

Our Wedding
The Liles Clan are hold up at the large table!

Our Wedding
Lisa and Pete came up from San Diego to join the activities!

Our Wedding
Cute couple!

About Mary & Paul

Our Wedding
The lady of the hour!

Our Wedding
A wall-to-wall smile!

We Were In The "Backroom" At Patty's; An Intimate Setting For 30

Visiting was underway for a good 30 minutes before things turned serious!

Our Wedding
A perfect room for an intimate celebration!

Our Wedding
Everyone knew each other so visiting was fun!

Our Wedding
Chuck made several visits to his "his people"

Our Wedding
Making sure the orders were correct!

Our Wedding
Bob arrived just in time, he and Vicky shared a lot of
information about motorcycles that they did not know before!

Our Wedding
Bob still rides although we think it is with training wheels!

About Mary & Paul
The Action Continues!