Christmas Celebrations With The Finch's

Even before Christmas has said Hello, it's saying 'Buy Buy' -- Robert Paul.

An Evening With The Finch's (Page Three)


Finch Christmas
"It's OK to go back six times!  It is YOUR birthday afterall!"

Party time at the Finch's
The girls sit out under the stars

Party time at the Finch's
Irene demonstrates how to pole dance

Pole Dancing Dog
Our blond Pole Dancer

Party time at the Finch's
Herbie is still 'splainin

Party time at the Finch's
Del has a beer


Party time at the Finch's
The wine is flowing

Remember: What is the definition of a good wine? It should start and end with a smile. - William Sokolin

Party time at the Finch's
Look like it's time for a refill

Remember: A hangover is the wrath of grapes. ~Author Unknown

Time For Photo Ops

Party time at the Finch's
Leon and Vance are not too sure about this

Party time at the Finch's  Party time at the Finch's
Collars up

Party time at the Finch's
We is now all here

Party time at the Finch's
Not to be out done

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Back To Visiting...

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Did you know? - An airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system is an airborne radar system designed to detect aircraft. Used at a high altitude, the radars allow the operators to distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft hundreds of miles away. AEW&C aircraft are used for defensive and offensive air operations. The system is used offensively to direct fighters to their target locations, and defensively to counter attacks. It can also be used to carry out surveillance, and C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions. AEW&C is also known by the older terms "airborne early warning" (AEW) and "airborne warning and control system" (AWACS, pronounced /ˈeɪwæks/ AY-waks).

Party time at the Finch's
B-2 Stealth

Party time at the Finch's
Bob look awfully extinguished this evening

Remember: You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I bet he was glad to get rid of it. Groucho Marx

Party time at the Finch's
Watch that first step

Did you know? - Plum puddings are a very rich, dark pudding made with all sorts of dried fruits, nuts, spices, black treacle and lots sherry or brandy. They are made well before Christmas as it takes time for the alcohol to soak into the dried fruit, however nowadays most people buy them from a supermarket. They are steamed when first made, and re-steamed on Christmas Day before being served with a sweet white sauce or brandy butter. If the pudding is made at home, everyone in the household must take it in turns to stir the pudding and make a wish, the mixture should be stirred from east to west, in honour of the three wise men.

Party time at the Finch's
High level conversations with low level people

Remember: “A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month's study of books” - Chinese Proverb

Party time at the Finch's
Now this is a sketch pad

Remember: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. ~Scott Adams

Party time at the Finch's
DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT spill that drink!

Party time at the Finch's

Dessert Is Served

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Did you know? - An individual raspberry weighs about 4 g, on average and is made up of around 100 drupelets, each of which consists of a juicy pulp and a single central seed. Raspberry bushes can yield several hundred berries a year. Unlike blackberries and dewberries, a raspberry has a hollow core once it is removed from the receptacle

Party time at the Finch's
Everybody is relaxed


Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
Having one of each hey Robert!

Party time at the Finch's
The bartender


Party time at the Finch's
Not a single calorie...

Did you know? - The small calorie or gram calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules

Party time at the Finch's
:Look! It's disappearing as we watch!"

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
"Sixty in England is the same as 40 in the US... Didn't you know that??"

Party time at the Finch's
Jan and Sue

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
No Jan... Don't blow the frosting off the cake

Did you know? - Pantomime or "panto" is traditionally performed at Christmas, with family audiences consisting mainly of children and parents. British pantomime is now a popular form of theatre, incorporating song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, in-jokes, audience participation, and mild sexual innuendo. There are a number of traditional story-lines, and there is also a fairly well-defined set of performance conventions. Many theatres in cities and provincial towns throughout the United Kingdom continue to have an annual pantomime and it is very popular with Amateur Dramatics societies. The Pantomime season lasts from around December to February. You should be able to see pantomime productions in many village halls and similar venues across the country.

Dog cake

Party time at the Finch's
"What are you all looking at?"

Party time at the Finch's
"I propose a toast!  How about rye or sourdough?"

Did you know? - One Christmas ritual not drawn from an ancient tradition is the British monarch's broadcast on Christmas day. The tradition began in 1932 when King George V read a special speech written by Rudyard Kipling. The broadcast was an enormous success . It began, "I speak now from my home and from my heart, to you all...".

Page 1 - Hannah Heads For Home  |   Page 2 - The Party Begins
Page 3 - So Far So Good  |   Page 4 - The Fun Continues