Decorating The Family Christmas Tree With The Duda's

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!  ~Author Unknown

Day After Thanksgiving, Time To Decorate For Two Days!

Fall leaves Fall leaves Fall leaves Fall leaves

Day One Begins With Robin, Bob and Nick Lending A Helping Hand

After the decorating is done, we celebrate and it doesn't stop until 20100

Decorating for Christmas 2010
We rolled 50+ boxes from Dave's house to ours

Decorating for Christmas 2010 requires humor   Decorating for Christmas 2010 requires humor

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
We allow the short guy to climb the ladder

Did you know? - Ladders are ancient tools and technology. A ladder is depicted in a Mesolithic rock painting that is at least 10,000 years old, depicted in a cave in Valencia, Spain. Bee Wilson  references the rock painting which shows two naked humans carrying baskets or bags that are employing a long wobbly ladder, which appears to be made out of some kind of grass, to reach a wild honeybee nest to harvest honey. Modern ladders are believed to have been conceived by Hebrews and Egyptians.

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Paul plays it safe

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Nick supervises

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Flower can't find her bed

Time For A Break

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
The lights went on very fast (Toss, throw, droop, drape, ....)

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Robin pulls out the top decorations... The most difficult job

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
What a mess

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Break out the champagne

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Nick the photographer

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
Does does the tree more her size

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010

Decorating for Christmas  November 2010
The cooking tree

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Nick loves to watch work!

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Robin had the patience to put them all together

Enough Work, Time To Dance At Newport Harbor Elks

Great music and a great evening!

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2   Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2

Decorating for Christmas 2010 almost complete celebration
The band was outstanding.... Music of the 1950's and some 1960's

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
The Elks were decorated

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
Bob and Donna are ready to dance

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
"OK, who took my wine??"

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
Ah... The mysteries of an iPhone

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
"It's simple Dear!"

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
"I'm pushing, clickin', scrollin'.... Too confusing!"

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
Ah... Success at last

Like real life

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
"It's easy"

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
The face a Momma Fish could love

Did you know? - Common dances from the 1960s featured the ability to dance without a partner. The dances also shared vivid names. These unique dances from the 1960s included the Mashed Potato, the Fly, the Penguin, the Monkey, the Swim and the Funky Chicken. Some sources claim that as many as 500 dances were introduced in the 1960s.

The common dances from the 1960s veered away from the touch partner dancing that had been popular in prior decades. As a dance, The Mashed Potato originated with songs by Steve Alaimo, James Brown and Dee Dee Sharp. Variations exist, but some descriptions of this dance involve both arms placed out in front of the body. While grinding each foot alternately, the performer flutters the arms one at a time. The concept was that the performer appeared to be mashing potatoes with his or her feet.

Just as you would imagine, the dance named the Monkey, another of the popular dances from the 1960s, imitated the antics of the animal it was named for. Dancers faced their partners while waving their arms, bobbing their heads, scratching and hopping. Major Lance introduced the dance in 1963 with the hit The Monkey Time.

Other popular dances from the 1960s included the Locomotion, the Duck, the Hanky Panky, the Camel Walk and Do the Freddie. Many of the dances from the 1960s caused controversy. In one instance, Brigham Young University (BYU) banned all “fad dances” in 1966 and Buffalo banned the Twist in 1962

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2    Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2

Decorating requires a night of dancing  November 2010
Time to head for home

Thank you Maxine

Decorating Day Two (27th)

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Sue studies the boxes

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Many more to empty

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Starting to take shape

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Flower can now go back to her couch

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
We like themed trees

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Mom made these 55 years ago!

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
This wall still needs some work

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Boxes of ornaments

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Sue likes her stocking

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
It's a collection of stuff

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
All carefully placed

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
Looks like the reindeer is about to eat the elf on the break maker

Well Done... Go Out And Play!!!

Off To Garden Grove To Dance And Celebrate

Decorating for Christmas 2010 Day 2
We danced to Street Corner Symphony

Christmas Wallpaper

Proceed to "11/28/2010 - Decorating and completion celebration at Garden Grove Elks!"