Liles' Family Christmas Activities Summary

"The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband."

Christmas Activities For 2010 Were Super

We decided Christmas begins the day after Thanksgiving and off we go for a ride that lasts a month!  We still have some unscheduled (exact date in work!) events:

November 26 Decorating Our Home takes several days but we had two secret weapons on day one... Robin and Bob!

Robinand Bob assist
Time for some champagne

We are getting so good at decorating that we can dance and relax in the evenings in the evenings!

Post day one dancing
Newport Harbor Elks
November 27 Decorating Continues on Saturday

Decorating continues
The tree is closed to completion

That evening we went to Garden Grove to hear and dance too Street Corner Symphony!

Time to dance
At Garden Grove we closed the place down!
November 28 (Sunday) Celebrate decoration being done ... Time to Dance and go to the Mall to get into the spirit of the season with friends! And who else.... Vicky and Del!

November 29 (Monday) Disneyland with Theo and then to the Alpine Village for dancing with friends

Disneyland 2010
Toon Town makes us smile
November 30 (Tuesday) Huntington Library (and send out the Toppers Newsletters)

Huntington Gardens
Beautiful crisp California day!
December 1 (Wednesday) Play golf and then to the Cerritos Performing Arts Center to see Celtic Christmas with Bunnaford

Celtic Christmas
Tomáseen Foley’s Celtic Christmas re-creates the joy and tranquility of a night before Christmas in rural Ireland, when neighbors gather around the fire to share laughter, stories, music, and dancing. The performance features a variety of Irish dances and musical merry-making on the fiddle, tin whistle, bodhran drum, and Uilleann pipes.
December 2 (Thursday) Play golf and then dinner and the Alley Cats Christmas Show with the Kuhn's, Roberts, and Finches!

Alley Cats
There was some serious cavorting underway with this group!
December 3 (Friday) Play golf and then Happy Hour followed by dancing at Santa Ana Elks

Elks Santa Ana with Phil Anthony
We danced until we were the only ones left!
December 4 (Saturday) Nightlighters formal Snow Ball at LAX

We had fun all evening!
December 5 (Sunday) We are off to Disneyland to celebrate Robins birthday with a Tortilla Joe's dinner!
Robin's birthday
December 6 (Monday) Even at Christmastime one must do chores and business. We visited Kat and went to the Starlighters Board Meeting at the Baileys

Visit with Kat
December 7 (Tuesday) We tried to play golf and gave up so we could see tangled!  we ended up having dinner with Robin before going home and watching three Christmas movies!
December 8 (Wednesday) Golf and Cerritos Performing Arts Center to see Celtic Christmas

Celtic Tenors Holiday Show
The internationally acclaimed Celtic Tenors spreads Christmas cheer with seasonal and spiritual favorites in a performance that explores Classical, Celtic, Americana, and Pop music. The trio, performing here with orchestral accompaniment, is one of the most successful Classical crossover acts from Ireland. The band garnered a 2002 ECHO award for its debut album, The Celtic Tenors, which went Platinum and landed on Billboard’s Top 10 chart.
December 9 (Thursday) Golf and Cerritos Performing Arts Center to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

VooDoo Daddy
With its breakthrough role in the 1996 comedy Swingers, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy intoxicated audiences and cast a spell on the American contemporary Swing scene, quickly becoming one of the genre’s hottest acts. The band – known for its high-octane performances and the notable hits Go Daddy-O, You & Me & the Bottle Makes Three Tonight (Baby), and Mr. Pinstripe Suit – celebrates the festive season with an electrifying performance of holiday songs and Big Band Swing music.
December 10 (Friday) Golf , Happy Hour, and the Santa Ana Elks!

I wanna stay in bed!
I want to stay in bed Mommy!
December 11 (Saturday) A Christmas Carol at South Coast Repertory followed by the Claim Jumper. 

19th-century London comes to life when your family joins the SCR family to celebrate Hal Landon Jr.’s 31st season as everyone’s favorite curmudgeon (“The quintessential Ebenezer Scrooge!”.

Tummies full
Good night all
Hannah stays at our house overnight before going north on the 12th
December 12 (Sunday) Church, Hannah to airport, Dancing at Newport Bay Elks, and a visit with friends at Brian and Jan's home.    Come join the fun!
December 13 (Monday) We began at the Dr with great news for Sue… She is as healthy as a horse.  We VFR’ed to Old Town Tustin to have lunch at a veggie friendly restaurant and when did a little shopping at Gary’s Rack.   Join us!
December 14 (Tuesday) We saw the LA Zoo Elephant habitat under construction last year and as members of the Zoological Society we got “preview tickets”.  It’s an amazing habitat for these magnificent animals.  Please join us!
December 15 (Wednesday) Carri arrives and Villa Nova for dinner and the boat parade
December 16 (Thursday)

Daily Diary and Daily Diary
Paul's birthday at Knott's Berry Farm in the daytime; Rogers Gardens followed by the Five Crowns
December 17 (Friday) Golf was out but we decided to go to the Nixon Library ! Happy Hour followed by the Santa Ana Elks Christmas Dance
December 18 (Saturday)

Daily Diary & Daily Diary
Candlelight Dinner Theater in the afternoon followed by the Toppers Mistletoe Ball in the evening
December 19 (Sunday)

Daily Diary & Daily Diary
Cerritos Performing Arts Center, Christmas Jam Session And Birthday The Cerritos Performing Arts Center to see Debbie Boone in the afternoon  followed by  the Jam Session at Santa Ana Elks from 5-9 and then home for a Christmas Movie

Debbie Boone
Debby Boone lit up the world with the Oscar-winning No. One ballad You Light Up My Life. The three-time Grammy winner spreads seasonal cheer with acclaimed TV personality and Broadway veteran John Davidson, best known for his role as Curly in Oklahoma! The Dick Parent Orchestra and the Singers Elite Choral Group provide musical accompaniment for the holiday extravaganza.
December 20 (Monday) Sea World plans were rained out so went to dinner at the Himalayan Grill, we visit Kat, went to the movies, dancing at Alpine Village and home to see a movie
December 21 (Tuesday) Temecula wine tasting and lunch   with Carri and a friend, the Saam's and us and Carri

Falkners Winery
Falkner Winery Temecula
December 22 (Wednesday) No golf... Movies, happy hours and dnacing!
December 23 (Thursday) Bowers Museum and Khoury's for dancing
December 24 (Friday) 47th consecutive year at Disneyland for Christmas Eve!  To Catal for dinner and midnight church services
December 25 (Saturday) CHRISTMAS at our local Chinese Restaurant with Carri (learning how to grow old).  Tra Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra
December 26 (Sunday) The Nutcracker in Torrance with the Roberts, Kuhns, and Carri
December 27 (Monday) Drive to San Jose with Carri  and spend evening with Diane
December 28 (Tuesday) Drive to Aunt Kaye's home and then back to Los Angeles
December 29 (Wednesday) Napels walk with the gang
December 30 (Thursday) Open (so far)
December 31 (Friday) Elks Santa Ana for the New Years Eve Blowout
