Cerritos & Jam Session For A Load Of Fun

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when mom took me to see him, and he asked for my autograph."

December 19th: Christmas Jam Session And Birthday Page One

Page 1 - Let The Party Begin  |  Page 2 - Cavorting Shall Continue


We started at Cerritos Performing Arts Center after church seeing Debbie Boone and John Davidson. Debby Boone lit up the world with the Oscar-winning No. One ballad You Light Up My Life.

The three-time Grammy winner spreads seasonal cheer with acclaimed TV personality and Broadway veteran John Davidson, best known for his role as Curly in Oklahoma! The Dick Parent Orchestra and the Singers Elite Choral Group provide musical accompaniment for the holiday extravaganza.

Let The Show Begin

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
The carolers were a neat addition

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
Sue has her champagne and carri her Vanilla Extract

Did you know? - Vanilla extract is a solution containing the flavor compound vanillin.[citation needed] Pure vanilla extract is made by macerating/percolating vanilla beans in a solution of ethyl alcohol and water. In the United States, in order for a vanilla extract to be called pure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires that the solution contain a minimum of 35% alcohol and 13.35 ounces of vanilla bean per gallon. Double and triple strength (till 20 fold) vanilla extracts are available.

Vanilla extract is the most common form of vanilla used today. Mexican, Tahitian, Indonesian, and Bourbon vanilla are the main varieties. Bourbon vanilla is named for the period when the island of Réunion was ruled by the Bourbon kings of France; it does not contain Bourbon whiskey.

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
Rain rain go away

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
Backs to the fire... Roast the buns

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Cerritos Performing Arts CenterFire feels pretty good!

VFR To Katella Deli And Then To The Elks

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
What is on the platter???? Oysters

Did you know? - The word oyster is used as a common name for a number of distinct groups of bivalve molluscs which live in marine or brackish habitats. The valves are highly calcified. Some kinds of oyster are commonly consumed by humans, cooked or raw. Other kinds, such as pearl oysters, are not.

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Did you know? - First attested in English 14th century, the word oyster comes from Old French "oistre", in turn from Latin "ostrea", the feminine form of "ostreum", which is the romanization of the Greek "ὄστρεον" (ostreon), "oyster".[2] Compare "ὀστέον" (osteon), "bone".

She Does NOT Know What Is About To Happen

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Busy catching up since 11:00 last night

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
This cake was HEAVY!   Must be the oysters

Did you know? - Oysters are filter feeders, drawing water in over their gills through the beating of cilia. Suspended plankton and particles are trapped in the mucus of a gill, and from there are transported to the mouth, where they are eaten, digested and expelled as faeces or pseudofaeces. Oysters feed most actively at temperatures above 10 °C (50 °F).

An oyster can filter up to 5 litres (1.3 US gal) of water per hour. Chesapeake Bay's once flourishing oyster population historically filtered excess nutrients from the estuary's entire water volume every three to four days. Today that would take nearly a year. Excess sediment, nutrients, and algae can result in the eutrophication of a body of water. Oyster filtration can mitigate these pollutants.

In addition to their gills, oysters can also exchange gases across their mantle, which is lined with many small, thin-walled blood vessels. A small, three-chambered heart, lying under the adductor muscle, pumps colorless blood to all parts of the body. At the same time, two kidneys, located on the underside of the muscle, remove waste products from the blood.

39 And Holding

Cerritos Performing Arts Center
Cerritos Performing Arts Center Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
"Ookie ookie... It's me!"

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
See... 39 with 20 years experience

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Were are the oysters??

Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
"Oysters on a cake?  I never heard of such a thing!"

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Table markers do NOT lie

Quote To Remember: Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Dang Handsome Englishmen... They Get All The Girl

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
"OK... Here is the real scoop!

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Beautiful Voice

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Meanwhile At The Tree

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Super group this evening

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Cards And Gifts

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session  Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
We will help with the big words

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
A new kind of seasick patch

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Page 1 - Let The Party Begin  |  Page 2 - Cavorting Shall Continue