Munching Continues... Page Four
Sandy and Bob pacing themselves
Nancy is ready for the day... Red, white, and blue
Donnis smiles and Bernie does show us his tooth!
Dessert time
Geting full!
"We are now full and happy!"
Leon and Marcia
are almost full! I did say almost!
Jan, Vicky and Sue
The serious look!
Love the fingernails!
Now that is patriotic dress!
Brian's first 4th as a US citizen!
Taking it all in!
Mr. Pinup and Vicky
Tom found the dessert plate!
Then he finds the photographer
Craig and Marianne
"This is for someone else!"
Kerstin does not believe that!
Look! A walong Statue Of Liberty
Looks great!
Ice Cream and beer... Truly a 4th of July thing!
"It;s realy good! Try it?"
"It's almost time to go outside and walk the lunch off!
"It's past time!"
Iris loves to hear all the stories
Love those decoratinos!
"We are drinking wine and having a great time"
"Like my doo?
A perfect Statue Of Liberty