Leaving The Sacred Island (Page Ten)
Our mighty steed departs at 11:45 AM. We kept an eye on the weather since it was raining in Los Angeles. Fun... yes we had fun!
It passed by us before we departed
It was a tad on the cool side!
NEST Cam revealed it was raiing at home!
A short ride
We boarded early and got a table for ten!
We are all in the line.... Can you find us?
Hurry... The rain is coming soon!
Bob explains in physics of the Conga
Sleeping Beauty and just Beauty
Sue is wound up!
Champagne sipping lessons given here
"Bye Bye Sacred Temple of the Dance"
Beware of these people...They are dangerous!
Notice they sat so close to the bar!
Donna gets an idea
Bob is beginning to look worried
Zooooom.. There it goes!
They went to High School together in 1968 at Western High School
Donna decides to be first off the ship!
Bob helps with Donna's Pole Dancing lesson!
Time to dine... One more time