The Avalon Ball 2019

1920's Sayings: Gasper: cigarette, “fag” (also of the 1920s)

Post Dance Shenanigans (Page Nine)

We departed the dance at 9:30 PM and wondered over to the Lobster Trap but decided that was not for us. We be stophistikated! Ron went to the Avalon Grill and used his charmes to keep the bar open for us. We pounced on the opportunity!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Donna is ready for her dessert

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Look delicious!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Bob stopped at the hotel and changed clothes...good idea!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
An extinguished looking group!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
OK...Who has the camera?

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Our dessert is on the way!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Ron took off his expensive cufflinks!

Did You Know? - Although the first cufflinks appeared in the 1600s, they did not become common until the end of the 18th century. Their development is closely related to that of the men's shirt. Men have been wearing shirt-like items of clothing since the invention of woven fabric 5,000 years BC. Although styles and methods of manufacturing changed, the underlying form remained the same: a tunic opened to the front with sleeves and collar. The shirt was worn directly next to the skin, it was washable and thereby protected the outer garments from contact with the body. Conversely, it also protected the skin against the rougher and heavier fabrics of jackets and coats by covering the neck and wrists.

After the Middle Ages the visible areas of the shirt (neck, chest and wrists) became sites of decorative elements such as frills, ruffs and embroidery. The cuffs were held together with ribbons, as were collars, an early precursor of neckties. Frills that hung down over the wrist were worn at court and other formal settings until the end of the 18th century, whilst in the everyday shirts of the time the sleeves ended with a simple ribbon or were secured with a button or a connected pair of buttons.

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Crick.... Must be a Japanese camera

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Bill will share his photos with us a little later

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
All smiles!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Great fun with friends! JUst a wonderful weekend!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
The normal picture of Paul...Flashing for the audience!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Look like it might be getting late

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Bob and Donna have white wine...say what??

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Donna s'plains the situation!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
"What did she say??"

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
"I thought so..."

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Ron is worried about his cufflinks!

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
The serious look

Avalon Ball 2019 in Avalon Catalina May 17th-19th 2019
Good night all

Avalon Ball 2019 on Catalina Island
Heading Home