Paul's Near Christmas Birthday 2008

"The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband."

Previous: Roger's Gardens (December 16th) Next : Aunt Kaye Departs For Stockton (December 17th)

The Five Crowns Birthday Dinner (December 16th)

Five Crowns
Corona Del Mar

It's been a tradition for years... Dining at the Five Crowns for Paul's birthday. In 1965, the Frank and Van de Kamp families, famous for their restaurant innovations of Lawry's The Prime Rib and Tam O'Shanter Inn, undertook the development of yet another enduring legend. Inspired by a love for English country inns, Richard N. Frank spearheaded the recreation of England's oldest country inn, Ye Olde Bell (est. 1135 A.D.), and named it Five Crowns. The magic of Five Crowns' English character is reflected in both its fine food and enchanting décor. Heavy wood paneling, antique furnishings, cozy fireplaces and attentive staff capture the romantic spirit of Olde England. The atmosphere is inviting, the service impeccable. From fine china, pristine linens and sparkling crystal, no detail is overlooked.

Paul's birthday  2008
No rain yet... But this evening it finally started!

Paul's birthday  2008
Miss Laurie met us there as she was the only one that still works!

Paul's birthday  2008
Aunt Kaye and Vicky found a good place to sit

Paul's birthday  2008
You can't leave these two alone anywhere!

Paul's birthday  2008
Food???  Greg and Paul head for the goodies

Paul And Sue

Paul's birthday  2008
Sue is watching Paul's see food diet!

Paul's birthday  2008

Paul's birthday  2008
No, that is NOT a martini

The martini is a cocktail made with gin and vermouth. Substituting vodka for gin is now common, and is properly called a Kangaroo. The drink is almost always garnished with an olive. It is often described as being "crisp" or "astringent". Over the years, the martini has become one of the most well-known mixed alcoholic beverages. H. L. Mencken once called the martini "the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet", and E. B. White called it "the elixir of quietude".

Beware, We Have Entered The Shakespeare Room!

Paul's birthday  2008
Greg is getting warmed up!

The Bell Ringer's Have Arrived

American Handbells

A hand bell is a bell designed to be rung by hand. To ring a handbell, a ringer grasps the bell by its slightly flexible handle — traditionally made of leather, but often now made of plastic — and moves the wrist to make the hinged clapper inside the bell strike. An individual handbell can be used simply as a signal to catch people's attention or summon them together, but handbells are generally heard in tuned sets. The bells used in American handbell choirs are almost always English handbells. "English handbells" is a reference to a specific type of handbells, not to the country of origin. While some American handbell choirs do use bells made in England, a large majority play bells made either by Malmark Bellcraftsmen or by Schulmerich Carillons, both based in Pennsylvania.

Paul's birthday  2008

Paul's birthday  2008
Beautiful voices

Paul's birthday  2008
Aunt Kaye really enjoyed the singing

The Appropriate Teasing And Carri Laughs For Hours

Paul's birthday  2008
We brought tears to her eyes!

Paul's birthday  2008
Wow... They are behaving for a few minutes!

Now, Someone Else's Turn To Misbehave... Guess Who?

Paul's birthday  2008
Nice being the old birthday boy...I get dessert first!  Then Laurie eats it for me!

Paul's birthday  2008
Sue is rooting Paul on to victory... Can he blow out the candle?

Paul's birthday  2008
"You can do it dear... I know you can!!"

Paul's birthday  2008
By golly... He did it!  No more flame!

Paul's birthday  2008
Oh oh..  We got her again!

Paul's birthday  2008
Notice... Stealthily, Vicky brings out the famous Vicky-Camera!

Paul's birthday  2008
Even Greg and Laurie can't contain themselves!  What happened Carri??

Paul's birthday  2008
Laurie and Paul... The innocents!

Paul's birthday  2008
Carri gets deadly serious now... dessert has arrived!

The Bell Ringer's Make A Second Pass!

Paul's birthday  2008
Greg is watching them this time!

Paul's birthday  2008
"Greg!  You asked them to play what????"

Vicky Is Splainin' Something??

Paul's birthday  2008
Aunt Kaye is on the receiving end

Paul's birthday  2008

Vicky Provided Great Photos For The Collection

A beautiful note from the Kuhn's: 

"Celebrating your birthday with you two is so much fun. Well, celebrating ANYTHING with you two is always fun. Thank you for including us. Again, great food, positive company even Shakespeare was there, festive atmosphere, fun conversation and scrumptious desserts. You two are marvelous hosts! Happy Birthday again and we wish you many many more.

Thank you. Vicky & Del"

Paul's birthday  2008
Greg assists everybody in finding seats

Birthday dinner  2008
Poor waitress, does NOT know what she is in for!

Birthday dinner  2008
This will be known as "The Great Wine Incident"   No, Paul's did NOT do it this time.

Birthday dinner  2008
Paul consoles the guilty party )Miss Laurie)

Birthday dinner  2008
Which is redder... The spilt wine, Laurie's face or Paul's face???

Birthday dinner  2008
You cannot hide Carri!  Greg is tickled!

Birthday dinner  2008
The ringer's are back!

Birthday dinner  2008
Do they look worried???

Birthday dinner  2008
Dang... There goes Carri again!

Birthday dinner  2008
A moment of silence for this poor piece of cake!

Birthday dinner  2008
"It's OK dear... You really can blow it out!"

Birthday dinner  2008
Go go go go go!

Birthday dinner  2008
"What is this amazing device which provided so much entertainment?

Birthday dinner  2008
Carri is still laughing and Greg is enjoying every moment of it!

Birthday dinner  2008
They are keeping their distance!

Birthday dinner  2008
Boxed up and ready to go!

Birthday dinner  2008
Awaiting the "Silver Bullet" but alas, the seven of us came in the "Brown Bomb"

Previous: Roger's Gardens (December 16th) Next : Aunt Kaye Departs For Stockton (December 17th)