Christmas Dinner 2008

"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."

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Christmas Dinner Was Easy

The usual prime rib, baked potatoes, spinach, salad directly from the garden, fresh baked pies....

Dinner at home
The prime rib entered the oven for its four hour journey!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Lisa finds the Nobilio wine from Austratia

Christmas Dinner 2008
The roast is ready... so is Flower!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Flower says... "Where is  my half od the roast?"

Christmas Dinner 2008
Mitch carves using Sue's parents carving set... A Christmas tradition!

Christmas Dinner 2008
The net is carefully removed and dropped where Flower cannot get it!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Pete and Mitch make sure the roast is dead!

Christmas Dinner 2008
We would not want to met this pair in a dark alley!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Carri is starting to get tickled again!

Christmas Dinner 2008
"Yo!  The meat is coming to the table!"

Christmas Dinner 2008
Greg, Dave and Bill discuss world events

Christmas Dinner 2008
Ah... A Solution to world hunger, invite them all here!

Christmas Dinner 2008
A new type of drink... Bailey shots!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Greg and Dave still talking!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Justyn delivers the goods

Christmas Dinner 2008
"Everybody! Grab your plates"

Flower Finally Gets Fed

Christmas Dinner 2008
Notice the tail wagging at 400 RPM

Christmas Dinner 2008
Like her mother, she musty smell the food first??

Christmas Dinner 2008
Sarge makes it a fray!

Christmas Dinner 2008
"What chew mean there isn't any more???"

Time To Eat

Christmas Dinner 2008
Connor lights the candles

Christmas Dinner 2008
People find their seats

Christmas Dinner 2008
Dave is first served

Christmas Dinner 2008
Pete and Lisa are not far behind!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Hey... a real smile from Connor

Christmas Dinner 2008
Justyn cracks a smile

Christmas Dinner 2008
Dave and Greg are chowing down

Christmas Dinner 2008
Carri and Paul pose... Paul has it right this time

Christmas Dinner 2008
"Psssst...  Wanna know what?"

Christmas Dinner 2008
Zack and Lexi

Christmas Dinner 2008
Diane and Bill

Christmas Dinner 2008
Finally Meat Man gets to sit down!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Paul and Sue

Christmas Dinner 2008
Can't keep Sue out of the kitchen for long!

Christmas Dinner 2008
No, it is NOT the same drink!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Justyn assisted by taking pictures... many of which you are seeing right here!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Bill giving Lisa a what for!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Now they are friends again!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Santa without hair!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Time for dessert!

Christmas Dinner 2008
And a glass of wine!

Christmas Dinner 2008
Zack and Lexi

Christmas Dinner 2008
People change seats and great stories are told about life

Christmas Dinner 2008
Greg kept us all in stitches the whole evening

Christmas Diner Page Two

Previous: Christmas Even Dinner At Catal Next: Christmas Dinner Page 2 (December 25th)