Remember: "It wouldn't be New Year's if I didn't have regrets." - William Thomas
Remember: The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to.- P. J. O'Rourke
"It's already 2018 in the UK!"
"..and it is raining and 30 degrees"
Donna gives a lesson in the proper way to eat live goldfish. Afterall, the clock has been turned back to the 1930's and 1940's so see how it was done!
This technique was passed down over the years from Lothrop Withington Jr to the Zaitz family and now Donna are sharing it with you! It's almost 2018... Be daring and try it!
Did You Know? - Goldfish swallowing was an American school trend starting in the 1920s, where a live goldfish was swallowed. Although it's not clear how the fad emerged, various people have made claims.
A 1963 letter to the New York Times claimed that it was started by a man named Lothrop Withington Jr. Withington was a freshman at Harvard University who aspired to become class president and was willing to do what it took to receive the votes of his classmates.
Because of his previous boasting in regards to swallowing a live goldfish, a student dared him to do the stunt once again.
Allegedly his "campaign managers" encouraged him to do so as a publicity stunt in order to win the election.
The letter to the Times claimed that on March 3, 1939, the freshman students gathered to see the show, and Lothrop didn't disappoint. He grabbed the goldfish, leaned back and with a bit of hesitation, gulped it down.
"Reporters and photographers were inadvertently present in the Harvard Freshman Union when Withington swallowed his live goldfish (with a mashed potato chaser) and started a nationwide fad in the spring of 1939." Before long, other colleges were joining in on the strange trend.
Nine Carat has the who building moving!
We has visitors from Old Ranch.... Excellent way of introducing
big bands to new people!
Robin is singing up a storm.. Nostalgia waxes this evening!
Bridgette "photo bombs" the picture.... Mike must have
her really moving this evening!
Dang... Nine Carat looks excellent this evening!
Bob snaps a picture of Sandy...
Bernie is about to break the bank!!
Did You Know? - In gaming, breaking the bank refers to a player winning a critical[clarification needed] sum of money from the casino.
The literal, extremely rare, situation of breaking the bank, is winning more than the house has on hand. The term can also been used for the act of winning more chips than there are at the table.
Another situation of it portrayed in fiction is a situation where a gambler will win more money than the casino owns, forcing the casino out of business, and winning the casino itself as a prize.
Darwin is looking pretty serous here
Bob can't play this game... He can only count to fifteen
No No! Everybody faces the same direction!
Now the dust is flying... Yee-Haw Yippy-Tie-Yi-Yi
The band likes to see all the action!
Did You Know? - The Stroll was both a slow rock 'n' roll dance (and loosley a line dance) and a song that was popular in the late 1950s. Billboard first reported that "The Stroll" might herald a new dance craze similar to the "Big Apple" in December 1957. "The Stroll" was written by Clyde Otis and Nancy Lee and was recorded by the Canadian group The Diamonds
We have great line dancers!
Where are the cowboy boots?
Mike shows how it is done!
A class act!
Mike and Vicky are having a great time!
It's lonely at the top!
Great music and great friends equal great evening!
Neal counts his fortune!
Ron and Nancy keep an eye on the wheel!!
All smiles... They must be winning!
Carmen and Tracy provide adult supervision....
Oh oh, we're in trouble!
"Dear... What is in this drink?"
Bill tries to explain the new drink he found out about while hanging with the Rat Pack!
Perhaps Bill should share the ingredients with the rest of us based upon Holly's expression!
Something about "Eye Of Neut and Bat Wings" or something like that!
Sue keeps track of the time.... We are getting close!
Michele and Franklyn try out the DJ
Do you see Irene? In the sea of humanity??
She found a hot table!
John demonstrates his "poker face"
Did You Know? - A blank expression is a facial expression characterized by neutral positioning of the facial features, implying a lack of strong emotion. It may be caused by a lack of emotion, depression, boredom or slight confusion, such as when someone refers to something which the listener does not understand.
A deliberately-induced blank expression meant to conceal one's emotions is also known as a poker face, referring to the common practice of maintaining one's composure when playing the card game poker.
The term poker face was used outside the game of poker by American sportswriters in the 1920s to describe a competitor who appeared unaffected by stressful situations (an important skill when playing poker for money, to avoid giving an opponent any tells about one's hand). It is similarly used with reference to marketers and salespeople during business negotiations
The doctors confer....
More sea food as we moved back toward
the dining room and midnight!
Stocking up on midnight supplies
Did You Know? - The earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 BC.
The early Romans used March 1 as New Year's Day. Other cultures used the autumn equinox or the winter solstice to mark the new year.
Michele heads for the table... Awaiting midnight!
We are ready!
Pete, Franklyn, Michele and Bob
Paul, Sue, Robin, and Lisa
(But who took the picture??)
They can never be serious for very long!
Now it's Bob's turn!
Checking out the noise makers...
It's only five more minutes until 2018!
Bob practices his Midnight Yell
(A sound known to spread fear into Chihuahua's world wide)
Arturo pours the champagne!
... without spilling a drop!
Ah.... Paul escaped the camera and got shot by someone else!
The last dance of the year 2017...
It's going to be mid-night in about 4 minutes
Celebrating nine decades of making people smile!
"Let's get ready for the midnight kiss... Where is Wil?
Oh heck... Where is any man???
Champagne has been poured!