Serious Post Dinner Dancing (Page Three)
Toppers 2018-2019 Season Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway |
Our Grand Soothsayer says the sooth!
Listening with baited breath
An elegant group to be sure
The band is ready to play
The band steps up the beat just a tad after dinner
What do you call a dancing sheep? A baaa-lerina.
Around and around we go... Where we stop no body knows!
Many people stop at the door and peer in admiring our dancers
and listen to the great music played at an enjoyable level
The music was terrific this evening
It appears a polka is soon in the offing
Kicking up our heels
Watch out... Here they come
Ghislaine, Nita, Donna, and Marcin
One more time around
Line up and pick someone to follow...Pick the right one!
Vicky gets a little fancy with the right foot... New variation??
The whole room gets to moving
Oh yes... There is a kick step or two in the dance
and a little free form!
The bands gets front row seats
"Who? Us?"
Dance music is just wonderful to listen too
To be safer, some go "off-roading"
At least the area is wide open
They can whirl and twirl and move about with breakneck speed!
...and with careful planning end up at the bar!
Visiting continues... Betcha Iris has a new joke
Del (Sitting facing the camera) is celebrating his 94th birthday!
Quick!...Visit as the music is starting again!
Marcin and Andrea hit the floor
It's getting late...the crowd is thinning out
Tony comes amongst us
Suck rich and beautiful sounds come from the saxophone
and Tony does a wonderful job making magic!
Leon is practicing his sax position... but PLEASE,
do NOT give him an instrument to play
Good night all... drive safely and see you in October
Toppers 2018-2019 Season Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway |