Arriving/Breakfast At Disneyland (Page One)
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December 24th 2017 - Last Updated: 01/01/2024 20:15:PM
It's 9:00 am on Christmas Eve and we are at the Rainforest Cafe ready to attack the "Pie of the Viper" and sip champagne! The Lind's and Duda's are with us this fine morning! It's going to be a great day!
We await our server!
Paul had to walk to the Tour Office first thing to verify our tickets!
The lines were amazingly long!
The decorations made the lines tolerable!
Look! A bubble plant!
Outside Catal they had a huge tree for photo-ops!
Everybody is not there and have placed the orders
The Lind's: Rebecca, Miss Lilly, and Zachary
Lilly is such an angel.... Right Mom?
The Duda's: Robin, Bob and Mr. Nick (The College Man)
We are beginning to saddle up and head to Disneyland for the 54th year!
All smiles... Disneyland here we come!
We had to stand in line for 20+ minutes... New security measure...
Everyone (except pass holders) had to get a photo taken!
10:55 am and our tour is at 11:05 am... Just in the nick of time
Did You Know? - At the last moment, as in The police arrived in the nick of time , or He got there just in time for dinner . The first term began life as in the nick and dates from the 1500s, when nick meant “the critical moment” (a meaning now obsolete).