Random Pictures

A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.

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Paul & Sue At Amber & Robbie's Wedding (06/07/08)

Here we are at the wedding at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego.  Amber and Robbie get married.  It was a great wedding where everybody enjoyed the activities.

Paul & Sue Hanging 400 Feet Up in A Balloon Above The Wild Animal PaArk (06/07/2008)

You know Sue... She would NOT resist being sent 400 feet up the balloon over people eating tigers and lions.  Held by a small amount of helium and a tiny thread of wire.

And She Smiles While Up In The Air (06/07/2008)

Notice the sign "safety grip" that is bright red... It is bright red because Paul squeezed it so hard and we were swinging with the air currents over the park!

The Reception Has Been Underway For Two Hours (06/07/2008)

Vicky was signaling to us tat something was about to happen.  And this was done at a dry reception.  Maybe this was the apple juice??

Del Gives Us A Dancing Demonstration (06/07/2008)

Thanks to years of dance instruction from Carri Fox, Del can now give dancing instruction to others.  At the wedding he provided excellent dance demonstrations to the entire wedding party!

Carri's Going Away Party

Carri's Going Away